Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Meeting #4

June 29th 2011
Attendees for Meeting #4

Paul, Jay P. Jacot, Raederle Phoenix West-Jacot, Toni Vandyke, Toni Yank, Donna, William, Darcy, Ashlyn

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

Discussion Coverage

William: used to eat tons of soy, became a raw vegan seven years ago, eats for the purpose of energy, prioritizes not needing to take medications, and says, “I take responsibility for my life.”

Donna: had ovarian cancer fourteen years ago, is passionate about pH balance consciousness

Toni Vandyke: Did “fit for life” at first, then did a liver cleansing diet, been into raw food for sixteen years, raw food cured her migraines

Paul: Got arthritis in his feet at the age of seventeen, Mother died of cancer, father died shortly thereafter, business partner went through chemo and died leaving his wife and children behind, all the cancer made Paul want a cure, he got in macrobiotics.

Toni Yank: Used to dry heave constantly after everything she ate while she was in school, she was introduced to macrobiotics and the food was the only stuff that didn’t make her dry heave. Macrobiotics included brown rice and buckwheat noodles.

PS: Carob is a good source of calcium. Toni Yank points out, “everything raw and vegan is a good source.”

Good place to buy worms: Intersection of Niagra St. and Ontario

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Meeting #3

June 15th 2011
Attendees for Meeting #3

Paul, Jay P. Jacot, Raederle Phoenix West-Jacot, Toni Vandyke, Toni Yank

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

Meeting Format

[5-10 minutes] Check-in
Introduce yourself, talk about something positive that happened recently for thirty seconds to a minute.
Answer the question: “Why did you come tonight?”
[5-10 minutes] Review
Review what we did at the previous meeting, especially any conclusions we came to.
[40-50 minutes] Sharing
Share food, share movies, share books, share personal experiences.
[60 minutes] Business
Plan events, discuss survey/study questions/plans, come to conclusions regarding the future of our group.

Long Term To-Do List

Create database of studies
Create a survey to collect health data

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Meeting #2

June 1st 2011
Attendees for Meeting #2

Paul, Jay P. Jacot, Ruth L. West, Raederle Phoenix West-Jacot, Marty Luckoski

Discussion Coverage

Permiculture or “Forest Gardening”
Talked about Paul’s experience with a woman named Yuma
Talked about the documentary, “First Do No Harm”


“Gathering Statistical Fruits of the Womb.” — Marty
“Nurturing Information.” — Aaron
“Intuitive Science.” — Marty
“Nurturing Life.” — Ruth
Resouces and