Monday, August 22, 2011

Paul's Story

The following is Paul's story of how he reversed his cancer, arthritis and other conditions on his own through an organic, raw and vegan diet.

In Paul's Own Words:

My motivation for changing to a raw organic diet was to avoid surgery, poisonous drugs, radiation, chemotherapy, extreme sickness and the possibility of a painful death.

Years earlier, I went through an experience with a business partner who died within four months after being dignosed with melanoma cancer. His attempt to regain his health via the conventional medical way was futile. He and his family suffered greatly.

My business partner's life ended in four months of horrific pain and suffering. He left behind a young wife, son and daughter. My own cancer symptoms were identical to his and I did not want to go that route. Because of many other prior health issues, I had been learning and studying alternative healing modalities.

I had heard of macrobiotics. I knew of Dr. Satarino who chose to go the route of building up his immune system with healthy whole foods. Dr. Satarino was in his thirties at the time and knew that the standard medical treatment for his type of cancer, which had spread throughout all his lymph nodes, would not be successful. He chose to change his diet, based on all the research he had done, and he literally "ate his cancer away."

When my cancer was discovered, I immediately changed my diet to 100% organic raw vegatables, fruits, seeds and nuts. The bulk of my diet became green leafy veggies. This diet was outlined in a book called "Living Foods for Optimum Health" written by Dr. Brian Clements, Phd., the director of the world renown Hippocrates Health Institute in Boca Rottan, FL.

I had also researched "Nature's First Law" by Arlin, Dini & David Wolfe, along with the books written by the originators of Hippocrates Health Institute, Dr. Ann Wigmore and Viktoras Kulvinskas. Overnight, my black, itchy, fast growing cancerous mole gave me the push to start detoxifying. I made the commitment to filling up all of my trillions of cells with powerful Life Force. With that life force my immune system would become strong and enable my body to heal itself.

I changed my diet radically and switched my blood from acidic to alkaline. My cancerous mole shrunk quickly and totally disappeared within four months. At the same time my arthritic pain went away; pain I had been suffering for thirty-three years. My diverticulitis of eighteen years went away and my lifetime allergies vanished as well.

Forty years previously I had been in a serious car accident that had plagued with me severe back pain and a bad knee. That pain also vanished in the same four months.

My energy levels shot sky high. My clarity and happiness skyrocketed.

The eye doctor who examined my eyes said that I was born with astigmatism and that can never be corrected. After two years on this organic raw food diet I got rid of my bifocals for reading and my glasses for driving.

I was glasses free for over ten years. Only recently have I begun wearing them again due to strain from reading and computers. I keep doing research and experimenting so that I can once again eliminate my glasses.

In over eleven years I've been eating organically grown raw foods, I haven't had one cold or any flu's. I also cut out all the expensive supplements. I do not need vitamin tablets because I get all the minerals and enzymes I need from live organic foods that I am eating. I never get indigestion or acid reflux. My energy levels are as high as they were when I was a nine years old.

Besides all of the physical changes that happened to me, I had been on a spiritual path for many years prior to discovery of my cancer and when I went totally organically raw and vegan, my spirituality took a huge upward spike. It was the most amazing experience of my entire life. Every single person I've come to know in the organic raw food communities have expressed a similar spiritual experience.

I have come to the conclusion that it is because we are consuming the foods exactly as they were intended to be eaten... The perfect chemistry for our physical make up which is connected to our spiritual make up and our emotional make up... All of life is interconnected; the parts always affects the whole.

Proper foods eaten the proper way, heals physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually... Drugs and surgery attempt to treat the symptoms and will never come close to Nature's Healing.

This, in my opinion, is the most sensible and economical way to eliminate and prevent diseases and pain.

The knowledge that allowed me to heal myself was attained over years of research. I have attended seminars and lectures of medical scientists and doctors who have discovered this truth. I go to workshops, organic raw potlucks, and I interview as many successful raw fooders as I can. I read informational books and watch documentaries to keep abreast of the exciting revival of the original diet movement.

It's a shame that the main stream educational institutions haven't embraced this knowledge and they may never, because of the negative economical impact it would have on the established huge pharmaceutical and medical corporations.

Only two industries have made a little money from me... Organic farmers, organic grocery stores, and those teaching Natual Healing through Food, exercise, clean air and water. The money I've invested in my raw food education has been far less than what most people throw away in prescription drugs, surgeries, doctor visits, and expensive hospital stays.

In essence, I followed the teachings of Hippocrates, the father of medicine who said over two thousands yeas ago, "Make food your medicine, and medicine your food". He was right, and anyone can prove this just by doing it for one month and keeping a journal of how you feel and your health improvements.

If you can afford it, take every test available in the medical community. Get your levels of each vitamin measured, as well as cholesterol levels, etc. Then, after a year of on a Natural Living Lifestyle, go back and have all the exact medical tests taken again.

It will blow those medical examiners away and open their eyes. More and more responsible doctors are admitting that prevention is far superior to treating the symptoms.

Bottom line of my story: I have never been happier and more in love with Life, my Self, my Wife, our Family, Friends and all our acquaintances as I am now that I am in sync with Nature.

This seems to be true for all the people I know who have done the same. If you need any help or encouragement, just give me a call, I am happy to share this "Life/Love Altering Experience" with anyone wanting to take responsibility for their own health and happiness.

Namaste, and Happy Trails to you.

With much Love,

Paul Klein

716 884 0099

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Meeting #7

August 17th 2011

Attendees for Meeting #7

Becky, Toni Y, Toni V, Ashley, Matt, Raederle, Jay and Susan

What (basic) food is a staple in your diet?

Toni Yank: Berries and Cabbage (marinated and as sauerkraut).

Becky: Bananas (Needs the magnesium and potassium for her heart). Becky puts three cups of greens in smoothies with three bananas.

Toni V: Greens, Watermelon and Tomatoes

Ashley: Garlic

Matt: Carrots, Almonds and Cucumber

Raederle: Bananas, Raw Cocoa and Spinach

Jay: Bananas and Oranges

Susan: Spinach, Celery and Blueberries

What food makes you feel best when you consume it?

Toni Yank: Cilantro and Berries

Becky: Kale

Toni V: Greens

Ashley: Oranges

Matt: Avocado

Raederle: Watermelon and Spinach

Jay: Sprouts

Susan: E3Live

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Movie Night: "Discovering Good Health"

Raederle's Notes:

White Tongue --> Fungus

Peanuts --> Aspergillus (mould) --> Alfatoxin (mould waste)

Fungus/Yeast Loves:

Bread, Peanuts, Alcohol, Mushrooms, Heavy Metals
Cheese, Sugar, Cell Waste, Chemicals

Treat infections with garlic.
For babies: Wrap raw garlic clove in cloth and put on baby's foot.
Will know that the baby has received the treatment when their breath smells of garlic.
Should take a few minutes.

Throw away food with mould.
Only people with incredibly balanced flora in their intestines can handle food that has been contaminated.

The Carbon Cycle / Pleomorphism

Mico organisms

turn into:


turn into:

Yeast / Fungus

turn into:


turn into:


Good Bacteria (Probiotics): Bifidus and Acidopholus
Good bacteria breaks down vitamins, especially b-vitamins. Need probiotics to get b-vitamins!

Book Suggestion: Cancer is a fungus - by Dr. Tullio Simoncini

Cancer Treatment:
1. Starve
2. Kill
3. Balance

Step One: Starve Fungus [Two Weeks]
- Remove glucose / sugar / sweet fruits

Step Two: Kill Fungus [Two Weeks]
- Grapefruit seed extract
- Olive leaf extract
- Raw Garlic
- Pau D'Arco extract

Step Three: Balance [Two Weeks]
- Flood body with probiotics

Notes taken by Raederle Phoenix

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Meeting #6

August 3rd 2011
Attendees for Meeting #6

Paul, Jay, Raederle Phoenix, Toni Yank, Toni V, Donna, William, Rosalie, Becky

Book Suggestions

The Science of Good Luck
Thousandth Monkey
Raw Emotions
Raw Food Made Easy by Jennifer
Real Moments

Movie Suggestions

Beyond Autism
Buck -- Horse Whisperer

Discussion Topics

Chinese Herbs -- How can they heal if they are cooked and have no energy?
The conclusion of the discussion, in a nut shell, is that they only heal on a chemical basis, and do not influence the energy of the body.

William told us the story of the creator of Incredible Cousins, a restaurant in Chicago. It's an amazing testimonial for raw food.

If you don't feel the prayer, then it is meaningless.

What What Your Biggest Challenge In Your Journey, and How Did You Overcome It (if you've overcome it)?

Paul: Relatives. It was difficult for Paul to visit his relatives and tell them that he didn't want to eat their food anymore. He brought his own food instead of making them go out of their way to change anything for him. Over time, his relatives have adapted and there are no hard feelings from his relatives.

William: What to eat? He knew he couldn't just live on salads. He started to experiment, try new exotic vegetables, new recipes, exploring everything he could. He took classes, and studied with chefs who knew herbs thoroughly. Through knowledge he was able to overcome his struggles in his transition to raw food.

Donna: Family. Her husband (now her ex) and her children ate the Standard American Diet. While Donna started to create healthy meals for herself, her husband still wanted pop tarts and beer for dinner. She grew apart from her children and husband as she progressed along her journey. It was stressful for her to have to make something separate for herself and for her family. While she ate salad, they ate hamburger helper. To keep her motivation up she listened to motivational speakers, and sought out many outlets of inspiration. She feels that it's good that she went her own way, and now she surrounds herself with people who have the same values.

Toni Yank: Tasty easy food. Toni finds it hard not to turn to popcorn when she gets tired of eating the same old thing. She wants the recipe to be easy, and delicious, and she wants a different one all the time. This is still something Toni is working on. Raw Food Made Easy is a book suggestion that was brought up for her at the meeting.

Toni shared this quote with us: "We understand while children are afraid of the dark, but why are adults afraid of the light?"

Raederle: Previously had difficulty with variety in raw food, but she learned many recipes and gained a huge amount of knowledge about raw food and no longer has this problem. Raederle is currently struggling with emotional eating. When she becomes stressed she craves childhood comfort foods, such as french fries. In order to resist temptation for cooked, fried, unhealthy options, she turns to "raw junk food" such as throwing bananas, cocoa, almond butter, and water in the blender and drinking that. She knows that combing the high amount of sweet and fat together upsets her digestion and makes her feel sluggish, but when she feels stressed the temptation is overwhelming.

Becky suggested to Raederle: Think about the cause of the stress, and identify that it as the cause for the food craving. Let out the emotions that are pent up; cry. Write it out, talk it out, cry it out, and when it's out, the food craving will be past. Becky has also had this issue in the past, but has worked through it.

Jay: Needs to find a way to fill up on greens. Jay doesn't feel good when he eats a diet with too much fruit or too much fat. He feels best when he eats greens, greens, greens, greens and only a small amount of fat and a small amount of fruit, but when he does this, he doesn't feel full. He is still currently struggling with this issue.

Rosalie: Doesn't feel she has a raw food journey struggle. She grew up during war time and food was scarce. Any food at all was a blessing. When she came to America and learned to cook, she was proud. When she got cancer, she thought about food choices for the first time. She learned about macrobiotics and healed. She is curious about everything that has to do with food, anything new. Wants to try lots of new foods, and loves raw food potlucks for that reason.

Becky: Emotional eater. Becky went to a detox retreat for one week and had a heavy detox as her introduction to healthier eating. Wheatgrass, colonics, energy soup, the works. The experience changed her perspective. She found that she was an emotional eater, and through learning to grasp the real issues has learned to meditate through cravings and get to the root problems.