Our Personal Journeys

Paul's Story:

I went through an experience with a business partner who died within four months after being dignosed with melanoma cancer.  My business partner's life ended in four months of horrific pain... He left behind a young wife, son and daughter. My own cancer symptoms were identical to his...

When my cancer was discovered, I changed my diet to 100% organic raw...  The bulk of my diet became green leafy veggies.  My fast growing cancer gave me the push to start detoxifying.

...My cancerous mole shrunk and disappeared within four months. ...My arthritic pain went away; pain I had been suffering for thirty-three years. My diverticulitis of eighteen years went away and my lifetime allergies vanished...

Forty years previously I had been in a serious car accident that left me with severe back pain and a bad knee. That pain also vanished...

...The eye doctor who examined my eyes said that I was born with astigmatism and that can never be corrected. After two years on this organic raw food diet I got rid of my bifocals for reading and my glasses for driving.

...In over eleven years I've been eating organically grown raw foods, I haven't had one cold or any flu's.

Click here to read the full story and for Paul's contact information.

Raederle's Story:

Before I became a raw foodist:

Habitual canker sores of the mouth, bleeding gums
Couldn't walk a mile without severe stitches in the side, gas pains, feet aches, etc
Burning lungs whenever I attempted to run
At least one ear infection for every two years
Extreme sensitivity to cigarette smoke, incense and other smokes, often causing migraines
Strep throat 1 to 4 times a year
Habitual painful constipation, especially under the age of 9 and from age 14 to 16.
Extremely itchy legs when standing in one place due to poor circulation.
Woke up with a sore throat 1 out of 4 days in the year
Woke up with random fevers that doctors were mystified about regularly
Constant depression, habitual suicidal thoughts and activities
Habitual stye around the eye, constant acne
Hormonal problems (beyond what is normal for this age)
Violent thoughts and actions, mood swings, and patches of complete apathy
Extremely sore and knotted back, constantly stiff and aching
Raging yeast infections 1 to 5 times yearly
Abdominal aching, bloating, burning and gurgling for days at a time.
Frequent muscle cramps. If I got them in my legs I couldn't walk.
Extreme food cravings.
Anxiety attacks and dizziness.
Severe immobilizing stomach aches, especially from age 15 to 17
Lock-jaw (inability to open my mouth fully), started at age 14 and got worse through age 16
Severe PMS, menstrual cramps and heavy-flow periods
Periodic chest pains that have never been explained

Since becoming a raw foodist:

Occasional mild anxiety
Occasional mild sleeping difficulty
Rare mild headache
Occasional skin irregularities

Click here for full story, photographs and Raederle's contact information.